So What’s Up Next

We’ve been here three months.

Wow! That went fast.

The first 6 weeks in Merida were a blur of immersion in culture, language and sights and sounds and tastes of a place completely new to us. Exciting, wonderful, stretching, thought and discussion provoking, we were breathless.

Then Chicxulub and more learning who we are and what nourishes our soul.

Now Sisal and feeling satisfied inside. We are coming home to visit family and take care of a few things for a month or so, so we’ll probably be somewhat off the radar for that time, but will be coming back to Sisal at the end of January to our beach-side retreat until May. We are looking forward to further exploration during that time, but are very happy with our home in Sisal.

We’ll keep you posted.



  1. Mary Leichty

    Hey Carma and Ben, it has been fun joining in on your adventure! so exciting! great to hear that you will continue adventuring in 2019! Merry Christmas! Love you guys, Mary

    1. Post
      Ben & Carma

      Mary – Thanks so much for joining us! It’s been fun, sometimes stretching, always interesting. We look forward to 2019! Merry Christmas to you and the family! Love you back!

  2. Steve Matthews

    It looks like you guys are having a wonderful time. It is no surprise that the people there have been so good to you. In life you get back what you give out and you guys are pure positivity and love. We miss you and cant wait to see you again!

  3. Bill Reeed

    I don’t remember to check your site often enough … I’ve tried to suscribe several times and it has always failed. This is why I’m surprised to find that you have not posted since mid-December and this is now early February. I would comment more often if it were not for the fact that the only things I seem to have to say may be part of the kind of conversation we would have had I run into you around town but seem thin and unimportant when ripped from that context. Well anyway, I hope you are both well and, though you may not feel it, want you to know that I am beaming Love to both of you.

    1. Post
      Ben & Carma

      Thanks, Bill, for the beam of Love! Sorry to hear you are not able to subscribe. I will check on it from our end. (Thanks for letting us know!) -Carma

    2. Post
      Ben & Carma

      It’s good to hear your voice Bill! My head hears it even if it’s only writing.:) We were back in the U.S. from mid December to mid January visiting our parents and attending Chris’s 40th B’day in CA.We were back in Denver for a short while at the end taking care of some things that needed attending to. I thought of visiting you then, but Carma came down with some crazy crud in CA and I came down shortly thereafter. It stopped a lot of visiting for us. We are just now starting to feel like ourselves again and probably put some new posts out. Always good to hear from you, friend!

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