Month: February 2019

Mexico Medical!

Lizzie’s been to the Vet. Carma’s been to a Chiropracter, two different Specialists, a General Practioner, and a Dentist. I’ve been to an Otorrinolaryngologist. (That’s the short name for an ENT Specialist) We did all of that in the short time we’ve been in Mexico. Some of it was planned before we came down and …

Making Decisions

We had just sold our home in Golden and were now traveling with our popup camper in tow, across the States, visiting family along the way. Our destination was to eventually get to North Carolina and explore potential small towns that had piqued our curiosity. We also know we were interested in exploring potential expat options, as well.

We are back!

On December 18th we left Lizzie (our puppy dog) in Mexico and traveled to the States for a month. Leaving our dog in Mexico felt very weird, yet we knew she was in good hands. We found the best pet sitters through a Facebook group called House/Pet sitters in Mexico. Christina, Tony & William (their …