Mexico Medical!

Lizzie’s been to the Vet. Carma’s been to a Chiropracter, two different Specialists, a General Practioner, and a Dentist. I’ve been to an Otorrinolaryngologist. (That’s the short name for an ENT Specialist)

We did all of that in the short time we’ve been in Mexico. Some of it was planned before we came down and some of it was “life happened” stuff.

Lizzie’s Vet in Denver found a heart murmur before we came and wanted us to check it out when we got down here. We did and couldn’t be happier with the care. Our new Vet brought in a specialist to do an ultrasound on Lizzie’s heart. The communication was wonderful, the care was great, the results and sonograms were all emailed to us. Our largest bill was about $40.

Carma had tests done in Colorado that ended up costing us something over $10,000 and they wanted to do more that would have cost another impossible to figure out amount, so we chose to have that done down here. The expert analysis, the time spent with her, the excellent equipment and the caring physicians cost us way less than one tenth what we would pay in the US.

My Otorrinolaryngologist (I just had to write that again) is a funny story. We found him on a facebook page we’re part of down here and he came highly recommended. We agree!

I emailed him a brief history of my hearing problems that had arisen out of a severe cold I’d had, and asked if I could see him. (Having direct contact with Physicians down here is normal.) He got back to me within hours and his staff set up an appointment.

He spent an hour with me, examining my ears while we watched everything he was doing inside the ears on a TV screen in front of us. We were all amazed when he found an earbud from one of my hearing aids buried up against the ear drum. We remembered looking for it, thinking it had fallen on the floor, six months earlier.

That hour with an antibiotic paid for at the pharmacy after the wonderful care and our total cost was about $80.

To say we are happy with the Medical care down here would be a vast understatement!


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