On December 18th we left Lizzie (our puppy dog) in Mexico and traveled to the States for a month.
Leaving our dog in Mexico felt very weird, yet we knew she was in good hands.
We found the best pet sitters through a Facebook group called House/Pet sitters in Mexico. Christina, Tony & William (their 2 yr old son) took great care of our house, and loved on Lizzie till we returned Jan 19th.

In fact, when we came in the front door after being gone a month, I think Lizzie was a bit disappointed that William wasn’t with us. She spent that first day back longingly looking at our driveway, just hoping that her friend William would return.
We enjoyed our time in the States – although we both picked up the crud while there. Carma was sick for the last half of the time we were there. Ben picked it up towards the end. We both continued to recover on our return. Carma has been good for at least a week. Ben got an ear infection and he is on the mend.
The weather is beautiful and so is the beach. We would love for you to be sitting here with us!
Here are a couple of pictures Ben just took to show you our pristine beach!
Hmm, I could be wrong but I think that when I dog sat Lizzy she was more than happy to have you home. (It is amusing that you can discover almost any service you care to think about via the internet … dog sitters in Mexico!)
I never drank the Facebook cool-aid and the internet scuttlebutt, as near as I can tell, is that Facebook is so 2018 … other Social Media platforms now have groups of Facebook refugees. (This does not include Google+ because, as you may have heard, it will be gone shortly.)
Anyway, glad to hear that Ben is on the mend.
I love the picture of Lizzie and her new little buddy! What a beautiful place you have. You guys are inspiring me!