Flamingo/Birds Boat Tour – Videos

A couple of hundred yards behind our house in Sisal is a lagoon. So near but yet so far! From Seashore to Lagoon is like changing countries! The birds love the Mangrove Islands and the shallow waters. So did we!

This post shows you the videos of our tour. We are at this moment in an area of Mexico that has very slow internet connectivity. We are not able to upload our images. Instead, we will share the videos which, fortunately, we uploaded prior to leaving home.

It was too dark to take a video on our trip out to the lagoon, but not afterwards! You get the full effect of riding a mototaxi in this short clip.

The sunrise was amazing, and to experience it from a boat – breathtaking.

The number of flamingos in Sisal is down this year, but that didn’t take away from the fun experience of seeing them in their element.

This portion of the tour was incredibly fascinating. We were in a jungle with bird, birds nests and bird sounds all around us.

Who needs a Ford or a Chevy? You can haul anything on a mototaxi!


  1. Teri Nott

    I LOVED THIS!!!! Thanks for bringing us all along with you via the videos. I was amazed at the numbers of birds in the trees, right there by the boat. And the varieties you saw, and the colors – wow!

    I loved being “with you” in the mototaxi 🙂 Having a video of that puts this Colorado person right there with you.

    Hurray for sunrise adventures!

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