Hacienda Sotuta de Peon Part I


From Starbucks to Hacienda Sotuta de Peon

We have 20 feet of sisal rope. It’s coiled and ready to hang on our wall as soon as we have a place of our own. We watched it being made by hand on a day of Olympic proportions when it comes to fascinating memories.

At coffee one day, we’d heard that this was a tour worth taking, so here we were in front of a Starbucks waiting on a very comfortable ride in a Mercedes Sprinter van directly from the Hacienda. An hour later, we are dropped off for 100 years of memory crammed into 4 hours. What a ride!

This is a lovingly restored Hacienda that once thrived when hennequen (sisal) was known as “green gold”. The shipping industry purchased it’s ropes here and at the beginning of the 20th century Merida was thought to have more millionaires per capita than any other city in the world.

Then a company named DuPont came up with a new guy called Nylon and he shot Sisal through the heart.



See Part 2 on how they make the rope.

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