Renovation Project: Before & After


We are almost finished! What we thought would be a 6-7 month project is now nearing completion – after nearly 14 months!

The extended time (and resources) it took to complete the project seems to be a rather common occurrence for these types of undertakings. However, we are very pleased with how it has turned out.

Renovated home front west side

In this post, we share the before and after videos and images of the property. Enjoy!


Exterior: Before and After Images

Interior: Before Renovation

Interior After Renovation

First Floor: Before and After Images

Second Floor: Before and After Images


    1. Post
      Ben & Carma

      Thanks, Rick and Judy! It is probably the one and only! We do have the ‘historical’ house, but we don’t expect to renovate it like we did this one. One of these might be enough for a lifetime! Or, maybe I should say at our age! 🙂

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