Bacalar – The Town that Grew On Us

Five and a half hour drive, kitty-corner from Sisal on the Yucatan Peninsula. Recommended by people we had met. Off we went for eight days.

We were not impressed when we drove in. We ate a decent lunch on the strip along the highway coming into town, looked around a little, and found our way to our AirBNB. Nice place, but not on the water.

It started changing as we sat looking over Lake Bacalar that evening at a beautiful restaurant with delicious food and ambience any restaurant in the world would die for. Here, we discovered, it was the norm.

There were plenty of tourists, but a large percentage of them were the backpacking type…., from all over the world. Delightful company!

The people of Bacalar are like those we’ve found throughout the less touristy parts of the Yucatan; friendly, hospitable and eager to help!

We loved the food! Maybe more than any place we’ve been. And that’s saying a lot! Be sure to check out the Food gallery below!

Peaceful, contented, beautiful, satisfying,and delicious. That’s what it grew into.

Lake Bacalar has amazing water. You’ll hear about that in the next two posts.

Check out the slideshows and video below:

  • Bacalar Views
  • Bacalar Food
  • Pier View

Bacalar Views

Bacalar Food

Hanging out on the pier

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